TZG SAF Compensation
Securing Stable Income
"You literally have everything at Your fingertips here!!"
It's quite simply...
(secure, stable, structured)
25+ Years in the Making Since 1998
 PS  – Because your leads are included FREE in this TZG SAF system, and You will now have an abundance of prospects to call and close — could You more easily now see how much more good  all the additional SAF compensation and actual cash money deposits You are GETTING to work for your family here!?

Secure Your Freedom and Opportunity to Climb!!
because now You can
“ Get in the Zone!! “

How Much More Money Do You Want To Make Now with FREE Leads?

Starting as a New TZG SAF Agent ProducerÂ
You make 50% and up to 70% +Bonuses on your client’s Issued/Paid Life Insurance AP (Annualized Premium)
(And we even cover the Annual Cost of Your Professional Licensing E&O Insurance too!!)
Now… Because the average family spends about $84 a month, just over $1,000 a year, for Mortgage Protection
About $59 monthly, just over $700 yearly, for Final Expense coverage…

And what that means to you is on average as a Base Agent Producer starting new...
YOU will make $318 - $604+ for
Every Client You Serve!!

TZG SAF Base Agent Producer (50%)
$60,000 Annually
(Monthly Advanced cash flow Available!!)
*Based on Your using the SAF lead requests in the SAF Business Marketing System here writing $10,000 in Life Insurance Issued/Paid AP consistently monthly for… $5,000 average monthly compensation — Additional income is paid for each additional SAF products or services people buy … Annuities, Long-Term Care, Medicare Supplement policies, etc.

TZG SAF District Manager (60%)
$144,000 Annually
(Monthly Advanced cash flow Available!!)
*Based on Your using the SAF lead requests in the SAF Business Marketing System here writing $20,000 in Life Insurance Issued/Paid AP consistently monthly for… $12,000 average monthly compensation — Additional income is paid for each additional SAF products or services people buy … Annuities, Long-Term Care, Medicare Supplement policies, etc. — As well as up to 10% Overrides from Managing, Training and Team-Building.

TZG SAF Regional Director
(70%+ Bonus)
$312,000+ Annually
(Monthly Advanced cash flow Available!!)
*Based on Your Team using the SAF lead requests in the SAF Business Marketing System here writing $100,000 in Team Life Insurance Issued/Paid AP consistently monthly for… $26,000 average monthly compensation ($20,000 Personal Production by training your team, $40,000 at 10% Override and $40,000 at 20% Overrides for Managing, Training and Team-Building) — Additional income is paid for each additional SAF products or services people buy … Annuities, Long-Term Care, Medicare Supplement policies, etc. — As well as additional Monthly Bonuses for developing Team-Builders.

Whether You’re wanting in this to simply Personally Produce… Or if You’re really wanting to Build a TZG SAF Agency franchise style business…

TZG SAF's Track Record of Success Includes More
Professionally Serving Your SAF Clients and Prospects with More Secure Options to Buy from You
Included Are These Additional Products and Services
You get in TZG SAF’s Portfolio Too
Providing SAF Fixed Indexed Annuities for your prospects
- 3.5% up to 7.5% Compensation for confidently providing Your clients a successful financial future with a Guaranteed Lifetime Income security option!
- Learn the differences and benefits of the SAF Retirement Income Security plans offered

Providing SAF Fixed Indexed Annuities for your prospects
- 3.5% up to 7.5% Compensation for confidently providing Your clients a successful financial future with a Guaranteed Lifetime Income security option!
- Learn the differences and benefits of the SAF Retirement Income Security plans offered

Earning 10 Year Residual income selling Final Expense
- Get paid 50-70% of 1st Year AP Compensation for confidently providing Final Expense, Funeral, Burial insurance security with SAF!!
- Then starting month 13... Receive additional monthly RESIDUAL Income of 1-3% of monthly premiums through Year 10... with Day 1 Vested!!
Selling Mortgage Protection Plans with Instant Approvals
- Possibly YES as Standard with High Blood Pressure, Diabetes, Heart Attacks, Cancer, Strokes, etc.!!
- Using SAF Lead Requests You can work from home monthly selling $20,000 - $30,000 Issued/Paid AP

Selling Mortgage Protection Plans with Instant Approvals
- Possibly YES as Standard with High Blood Pressure, Diabetes, Heart Attacks, Cancer, Strokes, etc.!!
- Using SAF Lead Requests You can work from home monthly selling $20,000 - $30,000 Issued/Paid AP

Guaranteed Acceptance Life Insurance
- Ages 50-80 Guaranteed Acceptance/Issued Coverage
- Guaranteed issue life insurance provides a solution for older people and those with severe health issues who may otherwise have difficulty getting life insurance.
Long-Term Care
- Want more Freedom and Opportunity to logically control Your schedule?
- You want to make more stable money while truly impacting families across the country?
- Because the "Psychology of Sales" works.

Long-Term Care
- Increased sales with 10,000 Baby-Boomers turning 65 daily!!
- More Referrals as those sellers of LTC report significantly more referrals!!
- Selling LTC Connects You to Target Clients for Annuities since they have nearly twice the assets!!

Medicare Supplements
- Selling Medigap is a great opportunity to serve the underserved senior market & to make money.
- The market is two-thirds bigger than the Medicare Advantage market, and the plans are best-suited for people who travel and are financially stable.
Dental + Vision Insurance
Accident Insurance
Chronic & Critical Illness
Term Life
Short Term Medical
Disability Insurance

Providing Your SAF Clients and Prospects with More Secure Options to Buy from You
To Also Include These Additional Products and Services
You get in TZG SAF’s Portfolio
Full Access to SAF's 25+ Year Database of Clients & Prospects
- Imagine starting a new career, from Experience!!
- Having a Full Ins CRM build for Agents, by Agents!!
- How valuable could this Huge Inventory Block be?

Full Access to SAF's 25+ Year Database of Clients & Prospects
- Imagine starting a new career, from Experience!!
- Having a Full Ins CRM build for Agents, by Agents!!
- How valuable could this Huge Inventory Block be?

SAF Agent's Portal
- Highly Advanced 5-Star Training and Support
- Freedom to Work from Home or On-The-Go!!
- Make more Selling As A Team or only as needed!
SAF Agent's Client's Portal
- Allowing SAF Clients to Login to see their products
- Giving additional Value for successful organization
- Providing Your Serving Them more effectively here

SAF Agent's Client's Portal
- Allowing SAF Clients to Login to see their products
- Giving additional Value for successful organization
- Providing Your Serving Them more effectively here

Who Else Has The System To Be
Marketing Your Business!!
🔥 With SAF Agent Digital Business vCards 🔥
Wondering... if You'll take action right now that you truly finally found the answer You've been looking for.