TZG SAF Advanced
Training and Support
"Be Fully Confident Here: This is indeed a 'Copy-Cat' Business"

So definitely make sure that You
Copy the Right Cat!!

So definitely make sure that You
Copy the Right Cat!!
Not Yet Licensed? --- We Provide the More
Advanced Insurance Pre-Licensing and Licensing
Training and Coursework Fully Included!!

And because we are Licensed since 1998 ... You have an Advantage. Instead of starting from scratch
You get to Enjoy this expedited learning, starting from Our Experience!!
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sample of
SAF Agent’s Exclusively
Training and Support
Now Give Us
75 Seconds
To Show You A Snippet Of
TZG SAF's Back-Office
sample of
SAF Agent’s Exclusively
Training & Support
What Else Would You Want In This Opportunity
WHY Are TZG SAF Agents
Stronger Agents!!

Can you remember yet, what superiority feels like?
Because everyone knows that being independent has its rewards, and it also has challenges. So…

Picture your success here when everything you need is seemingly within arms reach!!
Competence INCREASES Confidence!!

Exclusively SAF's Advanced Agent
Training & Support
Includes Specific Details On Topics Such As
How To Quickly Increase Your Compensation
- Simply writing New Business with your own pen through SAF Lead Requests, Referrals, etc.
- Through leveraging yourself as a Business Owner developing a SAF franchise style Insurance Agency

How To Quickly Increase Your Compensation
- Simply writing New Business with your own pen through SAF Lead Requests, Referrals, etc.
- Through leveraging yourself as a Business Owner developing a SAF franchise style Insurance Agency

Your Schedule, Your Choice
- Because we choose to work with grown adults, You dictate what you want to make and when You want to work here.
- We can simply help You set a schedule to accommodate your calendar.
SAF Lead Clarification
- Your understanding the differences between the various SAF Lead Requests, maximizes Your success here.
- We provide the most highly effective communication methodologies available to easily and effortlessly clost more business.

SAF Lead Clarification
- Your understanding the differences between the various SAF Lead Requests, maximizes Your success here.
- We provide the most highly effective communication methodologies available to easily and effortlessly clost more business.

Working Referrals
- Whether You work referrals or leads, TZG SAF's leadership have repeatedly proven techniques and methods they personally use regularly to continually close more solid business and receive six-figure plus compensation for helping people here.
Personality Training
- Want more Freedom and Opportunity to logically control Your schedule?
- You want to make more stable money while truly impacting families across the country?
- Because the "Psychology of Sales" works.

Personality Training
- Want more Freedom and Opportunity to logically control Your schedule?
- You want to make more stable money while truly impacting families across the country?
- Because the "Psychology of Sales" works.

Carrier Training
- You'll have far more complete confidence knowing exactly "Which Carrier and When!!"
- To surely give Your clients THE absolute Best Plans and Programs available in the market place!!

SAF's Refresh System
- By far THE Most Incredible way to fully and completely get older leads to literally Call on You to get this in place or schedule a time!!

SAF's Refresh System
- By far THE Most Incredible way to fully and completely get older leads to literally Call on You to get this in place or schedule a time!!

Scheduling Appointments
- Having scheduled more than 27 appointment for one weekend and closing 23 of the 27, David teaches all the "How To's" of more effectively scheduling, keeping and closing more appointments!!
Door-Knocking Tips
- How truly serious are You wanting to Win!?
- Since You're going to knock on someone's door, let us help teach you the absolute more effect ways to have Maximum Success here!!

Door-Knocking Tips
- How truly serious are You wanting to Win!?
- Since You're going to knock on someone's door, let us help teach you the absolute more effect ways to have Maximum Success here!!

SAF Annuity Training
- By far, THE Most Highly Profitable and Freedom Generating Opportunity within the Insurance business!!
- Could You imagine working and closing one sale and making more than some people in a whole Year!!
- Then that's exactly the reason You learning this TZG SAF Sales System is A Must for You!
Final Expense Training
- Here at TZG SAF we teach and train You on all the "Special Secrets" to prositively closing more Final Expense plans that stay on the books for stronger residual income with us.
- As anyone who tells You it's the "exact same as mortgage protection" is saying that because they aren't knee deep in the field like TZG SAF leadership is!!

Final Expense Training
- Here at TZG SAF we teach and train You on all the "Special Secrets" to prositively closing more Final Expense plans that stay on the books for stronger residual income with us.
- As anyone who tells You it's the "exact same as mortgage protection" is saying that because they aren't knee deep in the field like TZG SAF leadership is!!

Mortgage Protection Training
- Helping You fully understand the various types of Mortgage Protection plans to sell.
- Just suppose working a weekend or 3 days every week and making more money in 3 days than most people make in 3 months!!
- Your learning the 8-Step Easy Close is clearly a must for You as well then.

Running An Appointment
- Annuity illustrations and getting the funds
- Mortgage Protection sales concept of time
- Final Expense quotes and approval process

Running An Appointment
- Annuity illustrations and getting the funds
- Mortgage Protection sales concept of time
- Final Expense quotes and approval process

Submitting New Business
- Electronic Application expedite the entire application process, ensuring all needed items are correctly included!!
- Knowing exactly when and how to Add A Note to the Application for the Underwiters to more easily Approve As Applied!!
Getting Paid Quicker
- What Carriers need "extra info" to Issue Your SAF Client Applications.
- Know when the different Carriers pay schedules are for planning purposes.
- Get Paid 24 - 48 Hours after Jet-Issue of Policy Application Approvals!!

Getting Paid Quicker
- What Carriers need "extra info" to Issue Your SAF Client Applications.
- Know when the different Carriers pay schedules are for planning purposes.
- Get Paid 24 - 48 Hours after Jet-Issue of Policy Application Approvals!!

Plus In

A Whole Lot More Here!!!
I wonder if You'll take action, now that you finally found the answer you've been looking for.